Bedford Auto Care in Cleveland, OH

Bedford Auto Care Owner, ASE certified for twenty years, ASE master certified advanced automotive engine performance, taught automotive mechanics for 15 years before opening auto repair shop in Euclid, Ohio. At Ohio Technical College and Conrad's professional automotive career training. In 2003 moved the business to Bedford under the Bedford Auto Care banner. Ohio EPA certified trainer, trained auto mechanics to repair epa emissions failures. Trained by GM and Ford factory programs. Been married to wife, Angie for 28 years. Area homeowner for 21 years. Been working on cars for over 35 years, grew up in family owned automotive repair business. Parent s of John Jess and Frank. ASE certified since 2002. Been working on cars for over ten years. Graduated from the University of Akron in 2008.

Full information about Bedford Auto Care #1

803 Broadway Ave, Cleveland, OH 44146

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Auto repair company in Cleveland, OH

Auto Repair in Cleveland, OH