Merrick Road Collision in Lynbrook, NY
MERRICK ROAD COLLISION is known in the area as a "CLASS A" Repair Facility, with the highest standards to bringing your vehicle back to pre-accident condition in appearance and function. We care for your car as if it were our own! Our shop uses modern technologies along with a qualified staff to insure the highest level of service which our customers have come to trust and refer to their friends and family. OUR MISSION IS OUR CUSTOMERS COMPLETE SATISFACTION ! Our customers continued trust and confidence in our work ensures our future business. We have grown over the years as our customer base has expanded and our productivity increased. We pride ourselves on "Putting You Back on the Road Again" with the highest quality customer service and repair. Our commitment is to provide our Internet guests the special services and quality that they expect and deserve.* Fiberglass repairs* Paintless Dent Removal* Aluminum Repairs* Frame & Unibody Repairs* Auto Body * Repair Center* Repair Shop* Collision Center* I-CAR Gold Class Certified* Lynbrook* Body Shop* Paint & Body *Lynbrook, New York 11563Merrick Road Collision214 Merrick RoadLynbrook, NY 11563 516-593-3636 Fax: 516-599-4544 Open: 7:30-5:00 M-F, Saturday 8:00-12:00 and by appointment
Merrick Road Collision on the map
Auto repair company in Lynbrook, NY
- Five Corners Service Center in Lynbrook, NY — 1 Lakeview Ave, Lynbrook, NY 11563
- Audi Lynbrook in Lynbrook, NY — 855 Sunrise Highway, Lynbrook, NY 11563
- Extreme Cars Inc in Lynbrook, NY — 194 Horton Ave, Lynbrook, NY 11563
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- North Star Collision of Lynbrook in Lynbrook, NY — 633 Merrick Rd, Lynbrook, NY 11563
- Five Star Collision in Lynbrook, NY — 162 Earle Ave, Lynbrook, NY 11563
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