Welcome to Colonial Service Station, a full service auto and medium duty truck repair, towing and gasoline station. Owned and operated by Tommy Deangelis and his two sons David and Michael since 1968, a third generation business. We are proud to have been around this long at this same location serving our loyal and dedicated customers for anything they need, from repairs to 24hr towing, snow removal, shell gasoline and diesel services. We take lots of pride in our company and strive a 100% on our new and repeat customer satisfaction. Thanks to our loyal customers and employees, we have been successful for this long in this competitive and changing industry.Colonial Service has been in business for over 40 years, it is family owned and operated by 3 generations of DeAngelis family members at the same location. Visit our website for more information! Office Hours: Monday - Friday: 8AM-6PM & Saturday 9AM-5PM.
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